
These are some of our institutional customers who trusted in our experience to face their needs:

• City council of: Javea, Teulada-Moraira, Muro de Alcoy, Aielo de Malferit, Agullent, Cocentaina, Ontinyent, Benimarfull. (Electrical infrastructures and others)
• Country council of: Alicante and Valencia. (Electrical infrastructures and others)
• Regional government: Infrastructures and transports, Education, Social Services Environment, Water, Urbanism and Housing (Installations in institutional buildings)
• Housing Valencia Institute (Installations in buildings)
• Water Supply Consortium of Teulada-Benitachell (Electrical and hydraulic infrastructures)
• Aguas Municipales de Jávea, S.A. (Electrical and hydraulicinfrastructures)
• Caja de Ahorros de Ontinyent.
• Iberdrola, S.A.U.
• Pridesa, Acciona Agua, Aqualia, FCCconsstrucción, Degremont. For all this companies we have worked in punctual projects in the desalinization plants of Jávea, Carboneras and Tordera.
• Euro-Sun, (Frankfurt). Installation of medium and low tension lines and transformation centre for photovoltaic plant.
• United Nations.
• Different supermarket chains.

Actually we also advise and make reports for Activity Licenses, Public lighting and others for the city councils of Teulada-Moraira, Jávea, Muro de Alcoy and Aielo de Malferit. We advise in water supply issues the consortium formed by the city councils of Teulada and Benitachell. Also, we are member of the International Team IES4ECOURB for an European Project presented to the program MED “Intelligent Integrated system for Efficient Energy consumption in urban public buildings”, we are developing a R&D project approved by the Economy.